Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Article on the Scroll

Since it was one of my upcoming posts, I better post about it before I forget it. BYU-Idaho has a newspaper that comes out every week called "The Scroll". That newspaper is actually a way for me to keep myself informed about what's going on in Rexburg and in the world. Time is always an issue for me but I am getting better at sitting down and reading newspapers online... Anyways.

Last week, when I was browsing through the Scroll to find the coupon section, I encountered an article that gave people tips on how to pass clean checks. For those who are not familiar with it, clean checks are performed in student housing here at BYU-I every month, to make sure tenants are keeping the house clean, and also to teach many of them how to take care of a house - trust me, that is SO NEEDED on this campus.

As I read the article I come across a statement - well, a "tip" - from one of the people that were interviewed that said something like: "If your sink is full of dirty dishes just throw them in the cabinets and you will pass because usually they don't check the cabinets." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I guess I shouldn't be so offended at such a statement but I was. I guess because I always make so much effort to keep the house that I live clean, while one of my roommates is such a pig!!! It's disgusting! To me, it sounds like hiding dirty dishes in the cupboards is not honest, and that really bothers me! In a university where you have to sign an Honor Code to live honestly, doesn't that sound bad? Maybe I'm making too big of a deal...

I want to hear from you. What do you think?


Rebeca Price said...

oxe, vc tem todo o direito de ficar brava viu? porque eu tambem odeio casa suja...aiaiaia. Minha cunhada q eh desse jeito...toda suja a casa dela..quando foram mudar, ela ate tinha lata de molho de tomate aerta e sem anda dentro (q deveria estar no lixo ja0 mas tava na caixa de mudanca...dai eu ajudando ela a desempacotar, vi essa lata. Disgusting!! isso eh soh um exemplo..entre muitos.
Continue limpando sua casinha Helga, q eu tenho certeza de q um dia alguem vai te agradecer.

Kika VilaNova said...

I wonder if it was your piggy roomate who sent that tip. She is trying to find a way to hide the SINK! que nojo!!!

It sucks, Helguinha, cuz you work so hard and then you have to practically babysit other adults. And the honesty thing, people will be dishonest at times. It sucks! But karma will come back and bite them in the ....

te amo!

Cynthia Pratt said...

AH minha fia, coisas de "uncle sam" and his culture. Tu num sabe que aki ate pra limpar panela tem escova. Tu acha que os sobrinhos de Sam vao se preocupar em limpar nada. eles nem tomam banho usando a desculpa do frio e que nao suam. E o grude no fiofo? onde e que fica? la mesmo neh?

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

Dude. Disgusting and dishonest. 100%.