Sunday, August 31, 2008

Utah Brazilian Festival

On Friday I found people to share the ride with me, since gas prices are skyrocket, and decided to come to Utah. Went to Videoke on Friday night, and then yesterday I went to the Utah Brazilian Festival, at the Gateway Mall. It was a lot of fun! I saw a ton of people that I hadn't seen forever, and had some good food as well. I took my friend Todd with me. He served his mission in Argentina but he fell in love with the Brazilians. He told me after the Festival, that he hated to compare Argentina to Brazil, but that the Brazilians are so much more friendly and FUN than the Argentinians ;) How cool is that!!!

Here are some pics. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2008



There you go:

1. I love driking Coke at any time of the day. That includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, late night snacks, etc... What a bad habit!

2. I tend to make my car a total mess. Sometimes I'll clean it, but most of the time, it's not neat at all. All my friends complain! Oh well, GET ANOTHER RIDE THEN!

3. I tend not to reply phone calls. Usually because I'm lazy and I'm past the phase of spending hours on the phone. The Cell Phone gets too hot on my ear, I don't like it!

4. I ignore people when I want.

5. I collect clutter. Every once in a while I have to go through all the crap and sort what goes in the garbage.

6. I complain because I'm single. I shouldn't but I do!

I'd tag some people but guess what: They'll never do it!

P.S. Going down to UT tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jack Johnson

So, here is our group. We decided we would be "Better Together" so we all sat on the lawn. It was THE BEST concert I've ever been to. In this picture, left to right: Rachel and Benton, Trevor and Kika, Stacey and Emma, Todd and me, and Mari is sitting in front of all of us.

And Jack, in the other picture, of course :) He is truly AMAZING!

I had the BEST time of my life! I want that night to repeat itself. The full moon came behind the mountains when Jack started singing. That was MAGICAL ;)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some Landon Pigg for the Soul

I really love this song.


"Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop"
(Landon Pigg)

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
There's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you

I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I want to come too

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you

No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
There's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you

I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine
Now I'm shining too

Because I've fallen quite hard over you

If I didn't know you I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you I'd rather be alone

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

All of the while
All of the while it was you

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Weekend Went By SO FAST!


Too bad it just lasted a bit... Kika and Trevor came up to Idaho Falls to a friend's wedding and ended up spending the night in rexburg with me! It was so much fun! We watched the Olympics and were lazy and most of all, WE WERE THINKING ARBY'S!!! Kika it was SO GOOD to have you here!

Sunday... Cuzcuz! I tried again, this time it turned out better. I had a couple friends come and enjoy it with me, and ended the day with some good conversation and quality time with some nice dude ;) It was awesome!

Today I hurt my back at work... Oh well, I'm a hard worker. Literally.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Minha mae teve um sonho noite passada, e ao acordar, descreveu o sonho neste poema. Quando ela leu pra mim, senti o espirito tao forte, pelo fato do testemunho que esse sonho representa, e tambem das aspiracoes que ela tem: De um dia voltar a presenca do Senhor, quando Ele aliviara o fardo de todos nos, depois de tao longa e dura jornada. Espero que gostem.

Com amor,



Vislumbro ao longe
Portico branco
Da casa do meu Senhor!
Do lado esquerdo deste portico
Ha um enorme e frondoso Salgueiro Chorao
E a direita ha uma fonte
Cujas aguas sao translucidas, frescas, e marulham serenamente
Bema o pe desta fonte tem uma pedra, semelhante a um tronco caido,
Toda contornada de relva
Que parece me convidar a sentar.

Quando eu chegar diante deste portico
Nao olharei mais para tras
Largarei ao pe do chorao
O meu alforge
E sentirei alivio em minhas maos
Porque nao precisarei segurar mais nada.

Despirei tambem
A minha capa
Para deixar ali todo po.
Sentarei naquela pedra
Descalcarei meus pes
Doloridos devido a caminhada,
Sentirei prazer em pisar
Na relva macia
E os meus pes pararao de doer.

Em seguida
Irei ate aquela fonte,
E com as maos em concha,
Beberei daquela agua,
E saciarei a minha sede.
Lavarei o meu rosto
Os meus bracos, e os meus pes.

Molharei tambem
A minha cabeca
E toda a aflicao fluira
Com a agua que corre
Ligeiro por entre os cascalhos,
Para nao mais voltar!

Agora de pe
Diante deste portico,
Aliviada de todo fardo
Retesarei a minha postura,
Porque nao ha
Mais motivo
Para estar cabisbaixa.

Alinharei os meus cabelos
E sorrindo,
Poderei finalmente transpor
Aquele portico todo branco
E, encaminhar-me-ei
Para a mesa do meu Senhor!

Enfim, poderei descansar
E nunca mais me sentirei so.

Por: Hosana Goncalves Pereira - 5 de Agosto de 2008.